New: The E²E-Condenser

0% emission, minimal loss of energy

The most efficient way to peel potatoes

Steam peeling is the most efficient way to peel potatoes, but its emission also causes lots of noise, a smelly steam cloud and loss of energy. Our newest innovation -the so called ‘E²E-Condenser’- puts an end to the emission of steam peeling and in addition saves costs and energy. The ‘E2E’ therefore stands for ‘emission-to-energy’.

“Because the customer whom we designed the E2E-condenser for wanted to expand his production but at the same time wanted to reduce nuisance to the local residents, we are very proud of solving this problem for him.”

Edwin Langbroek, head of sales

0% Emission Reduced nuisance

Energy Saving Minimal loss

Compact Footprint Innovative design

High Efficiency Improved exhaust flow

Payback Time 1-4 years

Payback Time

The E2E-condenser fits to every steam peeling line. Due to its cost saving design, it offers a typical payback of one to four years. The exact saving of costs in terms of energy depends on different circumstances, such as your peeling line’s running time, the use of the peeler’s excess energy and your original energy consumption.