
Tummers Exclusive #1: Sustainable Fin Aligner

28 juli 2020

Multiple Tummers products which are unique to the food processing sector, show exactly what we stand for. These solutions enable our customers to process as safely, quickly and sustainably as possible. The blog series "Tummers Exclusives" this time paints the story behind our patented Fin Aligner, which centres potatoes perfectly in order to decrease product loss.

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Newest peeler offers lowest cost of ownership

29 juni 2020

Tummers Food Processing Solutions have recently unveiled their latest development in the market, a steam peeler, with a total cost of ownership that is lower than  any other peeler available. The peel loss of this machine is comparable with the result of other peelers on the market, but at lower operational costs and a lower steam consumption. In addition, the TSP is safer to clean, operate and maintain.

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Tummers expedition and warehouse move to Postweg

23 juni 2020

On 6 July 2020, the expedition & warehouse of Tummers Food Processing Solutions will be relocated to Postweg 5 at De Kooi industrial estate in Hoogerheide (NL). From this date, the location at Ampèreweg 4 will no longer be available for deliveries or pick-up.

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Compact E2E condenser reduces nuisance of steam peeling processes

19 juni 2020

Tummers Food Processing Solutions recently developed an innovation that redirects the emission of steam peeling machines, so the energy can be used for other purposes later in the process. This ‘E²E-Condenser’ thereby puts an end to one of the cons of steam peeling, while it also saves costs and energy.

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Renovated Tummers canteen becomes multifunctional

14 mei 2020

From April, large groups of customers who visit our headquarters will be welcomed at our renewed company canteen. It has been renovated in order to become the multifunctional space it is now. Multiple changes were made to make the space suitable as both a canteen for our employees, as a conference room for our customers.

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