
- Flake line
- Drying
- E²E
Steam and odour emission free
Sustainable and cost effective
Clear view of drying process

- Washing line
- Destoning
- Washing
Washing, de-stoning and separating floating parts in one compact machine
Highly suitable for 24/7 industrial use
Optimum washing effect thanks to unique design drum
Robust, simple, reliable design

- Peeling line
- Peeling and Brushing
Advanced & renowned dry deskinning system
High capacity
Adjustable brush settings
Minimal peel loss

- Peeling line
- Peeling and Brushing
Low steam consumption
Optimal peeling result
Low maintenance costs
Always fits

- Cutting line
- Transport and Storage
Renowned Pomac technology
Simple operation and cleaning
Robust and low-maintenance
Many variations possible

- Cutting line
- Cutting
Change cutting blocks without interrupting production
Maintaining end-product quality
Hygienic disposal of leaking water and product residues
User-friendly handling

- Flake line
- Drying
Minimal puree loss
High production capacity (due to in-house innovative rolling technology)
Direct drive limits downtime

- Washing line
- Sorting
High capacity
Less contamination of washing water

- Destoning
Suitable for 24/7 production
High capacity
Easy to operate accurately

- Washing line
- Washing
Very high capacity versions possible
Robust, simple, non-slip drive
Easy to operate and very low-maintenance
Adjustable washing intensity and capacity

- Washing line
- Separating
Simple construction and operation
High throughput possible
Long-life tyres and wheels

- Washing line
- Separating
Highly accurate waste separation possible
Minimal wear due to low speed of wide infeed and outfeed belts

- Washing line
- Separating
Precise separation of waste and product
Minimal wear due to low speed of wide infeed and outfeed belts
Available with automatic dosing system for salt gel

- Washing line
- Sorting
Simple robust construction
Open system, easy to control
Maintenance friendly

- Washing line
- Roller drying
Designed for 24/7 industrial use
Compact installation
Robust, simple, slip-free drive
Robust and low-maintenance drive mechanism

- Washing line
- Peeling line
- De-watering
Low maintenance (minimal wear and tear parts)
Easy to clean due to hygienic design

- Peeling line
- Washing
Adjustable washing effect
Simple operation
Very low-maintenance
Water saving through optional closed water system

- Peeling line
- Sorting
- Transport and Storage
Gentle handling for damage-free transport
A constant gap distance prevents foreign objects getting jammed
Designed according to the latest food safety standards
Multi product handling

- Peeling line
- Peeling and Brushing
Adjustable brushing result
Suitable for multiple crops
Robust design
Simple operation

- Peeling line
- E²E
Minimises energy loss
Exclude odour, noise and visible nuisances
Space-saving through innovative design
Compatible with any steam peeling line

- Peeling line
- Washing
Modern alternative to conventional dryer/after-washer
Washes and transports at the same time
Compact custom design
High capacity possible

- Cutting line
- Sorting
Steplessly adjustable sorting settings
Operating and maintenance friendly
No product damage

- Cutting line
- Sorting
Possibility to process multiple kinds of crops
Accurate square mesh size sorting
No product damage
User- and maintenance friendly

- Cutting line
- Cutting
Obtains the maximal cutting length out or the product
Innovative, patented system
A stable and optimal cut product
Minimal amount of waste (slivers and nubbins)

- Cutting line
- Cutting
Optimum cutting quality
All kinds of forms possible
Easy to handle and safe
Quick change with Tummers switcher

- Cutting line
- De-watering
High dewatering capacity
No vibration and noise
Simple operation
Minimal maintenance

- Cutting line
- Sorting
Accurate sorting
Minimal maintenance
Durable sorting rolls

- Cutting line
- De-watering
Environmentally-friendly separation method
Extensive application possibilities

- Cutting line
- De-watering
High dewatering capacity
No maintenance
Numerous bar spacings and sizes possible

- Cutting line
- Transport and Storage
Continuous cleaning of pump water
Water quality and water levels under control

- Transport and Storage
Multiple supply possibilities
Careful & accurate automated infeed for the total flaking process

- Flake line
- Transport and Storage
Ergonomic, safe and hygienic design
Less chance of malfunctions during the production process

- Flake line
- Transport and Storage
Perfect continuous dosing possible
Underwater storage possible
Robust construction suitable for industry

- Flake line
- Drying
Homogeneous mixing
Gradual heating and controlled process
Mixing of different additives possible by expanding number of tanks
Flexibly adaptable to capacity and process line

- Flake line
- Transport and Storage
Hygienic design
Quick change and cleaning of bar screens possible
Customer-specific screens and combinations with Tummers pump systems possible

- Flake line
- Transport and Storage
Very suitable for delicate highly viscous liquids
Reversible direction of rotation
Hygienic pumping of foodstuffs
Many application possibilities

- Flake line
- Drying
Easy operation and adjustment
No dirt above product
Easy to clean
Very hygienic and low-maintenance

- Flake line
- Drying
Easy to clean
Quick-change sieve
Extremely robust and low-maintenance
Different sieve perforations possible

- Flake line
- Drying
Exact desired flake size thanks to different perforation sizes of sieve baskets
Product properties are retained
More efficient in transport and processing
ATEX certified

- Flake line
- Drying
Complies with ATEX directives.
Compact built-in powder mill

- Flake line
Hygienic temporary storage
- Different volumes possible
- Easy to connect to Tummers packing machines

- Flake line
- Drying
Precise dosing system
ATEX certified
Customisable to your own specifications

- Cutting
Continuously adjustable disc thickness
No ‘down time’ by adjusting disk thickness
Minimal maintenance
Use of standard drive and bearing components

- Cutting
Compact dimensions
High capacity possible
Suitable for multiple crops
User-friendly, low-maintenance and robust

- Cutting
Safe and maintenance free
Perfect straight sharpened cutting edge
Grinding drums with variable grits

- Transport and Storage
Long service life

- Transport and Storage
Direct drive by drum motor or shaft-mounted gearboxes
Can be set up horizontally or at an angle
Stable frame construction
Easy-to-clean design